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Milk from Zuivelhoeve

At Zuivelhoeve Dairy is central, we offer the tastiest milk. This is full of flavor and low in fat, which is only 0,1%! It is produced with love and care by the Knapenvelder dairy farm. They guarantee our quality and standards. This makes this a real pleasure for your breakfast. Prepared old-fashioned and you can taste it!

Taste of farmers' milk

The taste is simple and refreshing. It is creamy and a little sweet, with a subtle freshness. Whether you drink it straight from the glass, add it to your muesli or blended into a smoothie, milk provides a pleasant taste that many appreciate. Because it is still prepared in the traditional way, you can still taste the old-fashioned full flavor.

Taste of farmers buttermilk

The taste of farmers buttermilk is unique and recognizable. It has a slightly sour taste that is refreshing and strong. This is lighter than regular milk and is also thinner. While it may be an acquired taste for some, others love the refreshing taste of buttermilk. It can be drunk as is or used in recipes, where its unique character can be a tasty addition to various dishes. In addition, it contains less lactose than normal farmers' milk. Buttermilk contains 3,6 grams of lactose per 100ml and milk contains 4,6 grams of lactose per 100ml. This is beneficial for people who cannot tolerate it well.

Dairy farm De Knapenvelder

Our dairy comes from the Knapenvelder dairy farm. A beautiful farm just outside Raalte dierenwell-being is most important. This creates the tastiest dairy after they have added extra love and attention. The result is that it corresponds to the dairy of the past. In addition to their dairy, we also have their 'real butter' In the assortment.

How healthy is milk for you?

Milk is a healthy food because it is an excellent source of calcium, which is important for strong bones and teeth. In addition, it is rich in proteins, which helps with muscle building and tissue repair. And that's not all, it also contains important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin A, phosphorus and potassium. This is ideal for a healthy diet.