Tosti with goat cheese & blue cheese

2 persons 10 minutes

You make a sandwich special by combining beautiful flavors with each other. The most important ingredient on the sandwich is the cheese, but what you put on it depends entirely on what you feel like. With this grilled cheese sandwich with soft goat cheese, the mild taste of gorgonzola dolce and the savory taste of a French sausage with walnuts, you will feel like you are in France, Italy and Spain at the same time!

Tosti with goat cheese & blue cheese


  • 4 slices of firm brown bread
  • 60 grams Chevre Buche Honey
  • 80 grams Gorgonzola Dolce
  • 8 thin slices of French sausage
  • 10 walnut halves
  • butter

Divide the cheese over 2 slices of bread. Cut the thin slices of sausage into small parts, crush the walnuts and divide them over the cheese. Place a handful of arugula over the topping. Use a little butter on the top of the sandwich and possibly some extra walnuts. Toast the sandwich in the iron for about 3 minutes until the cheese is melted and the outside is lightly browned.

Buon appetito!